Frequently asked questions

Contact us via support if you have more questions.

How does it work?

Our service is based on ChatGPT. After the provided documents are uploaded, they will be parsed and sent to ChatGPT for content analysis and mind map generation based on our content processing algorithm.

What file format does it support?

Currently, we support TXT, PDF and audio file include MP3 and WAV. More formats will be supported in the future.

What kind of PDF does it support? Why my PDF doesn't work?

Supported PDF:

Text-based PDFs. These PDFs contain text data that is encoded and stored as text objects within the PDF file.

Not supported PDF:

1. Scanned PDFs (Image-based PDFs): Scanned PDFs, also known as image-based PDFs, are created by scanning physical documents or converting images to PDF format. In these PDFs, the text is stored as images (raster images). As a result, traditional text extraction methods cannot directly extract text from scanned PDFs.

Solution: Use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to recognize the text content, save it as a text file, or use the text content tab to upload the text.

2. Hybrid PDFs: Hybrid PDFs contain both text-based content and scanned images. Only the text-based part could be parsed.

Solution: Use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to recognize the text content, save it as a text file, or use the text content tab to upload the text.

3. Encrypted or Secured PDFs: Encrypted or secured PDFs are protected with password encryption or other security measures to restrict access.

Solution: Open PDF with password, export/copy text content and save as a text file or use the text content tab to upload the text. Users should make sure that there are no violations of copyright or protected intellectual property rights.

Can I export the generated mind map?

Yes, you can export/download the generated mind map as MD(https://markmap.js.org/), XMind or PNG image. More formats will be added in the future.

Can you keep my uploaded content secure and private?

The generated mind map can only be accessed by the user's account. But all uploaded content will be sent to ChatGPT for processing. We can't guarantee the content security and privacy protection.

Users should take full responsibility for content security and privacy protection. If you have concerns about the content, please do not upload it.